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AEORA INDIA-Crystals and healing tools superstore

Phosphosiderite Bead Bracelet in India - Aeora Rocks

Phosphosiderite Bead Bracelet in India - Aeora Rocks

Regular price Rs. 1,050.00 INR
Regular price Sale price Rs. 1,050.00 INR
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Phosphosiderite is a purple to pinkish mineral that is sometimes used to make bead bracelets. Here are some of the potential healing properties associated with wearing a Phosphosiderite bead bracelet:

1. Emotional Healing: Phosphosiderite is believed to have a calming effect on the emotions. It is said to help the wearer release stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns, and promote inner peace and tranquility.

2. Spiritual Growth: Phosphosiderite is associated with spiritual growth and transformation. It is said to help the wearer connect with higher spiritual energies and access their inner wisdom. It can also be used to enhance meditation and spiritual practices.

3. Compassion and Forgiveness: Phosphosiderite is believed to promote compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. It is said to help the wearer develop empathy for others and release feelings of anger and resentment.

4. Creativity: Phosphosiderite is associated with creativity and inspiration. It is said to stimulate the imagination and promote artistic expression.

5. Healing: Phosphosiderite is believed to have physical healing properties, particularly for the respiratory and immune systems. It is said to help the body heal from illness and injury, and promote overall wellness and vitality.

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